Tuesday 29 October 2013


OMG FINALLY things are happening, to cut a long story short I had organised someone to start work on the house for me, he did start (only just) got his first pay from me and didnt come back or respond to my mesages. Money ran short, extended my loan, found a new builder and here we go!!!!!

Stairs are made and on the house

Interior bathroom wall is gone!!



Cant believe after all this time we are finally starting! Frond door is also on and the lock is getting fixed as we speak, after removing it from the door I started googling and was just about to purchase a new/old lock to go on when I stumbled across information in regard to the lock I had! the coin/medal on it is on eBay for $25 let alone the whole lock. Evidently it was made in 1860 so now the locksmith has it in pieces trying to fix and Ive been online and ordered a keeper plus a key blank so fingers crossed!!! Am loving the red cedar door and cant wait till we get to the time to actually strip and restore. At the moment mu mission is just to get the house to lockup stage.